Kings River: JD Fletcher Access on Highway 62 to Stoney Point/Summers Ford
Kings River: JD Fletcher Access on Highway 62 to Stoney Point/Summers Ford The first part of this post is about what its like to paddle this section of the Kings. The second part will cover fishing. Paddling: A few weeks ago, my whole perception of the Kings River changed. What I had gotten used to on Kings River floats was narrow stream width, bluffs, giant rock walls, and usually very little flow. However, the stretch from JD Fletcher Access to Stoney Point/Summers Ford has several key differences from upper stretches that makes it a viable option for floating and fishing later in the season. First of all, the confluence of the Kings and Osage Creek is right above Highway 62 bridge so there is a significant boost to the flow. The Osage Creek that meets the Kings is different than the one that meets the Illinois River... which needs to be clarified for those who have seen my blog posts and aren't familiar with this area. But even still, the contrib...